Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

Kapcsolatok / Contacts
Slipknot (ENG)
Trivium (ENG)
SepticFlesh (ENG)
Behemoth (ENG)
Adam Lambert (ENG)
Teen Wolf / Sterek (ENG)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (ENG)
30 Seconds To Mars (ENG)
DM Fanfictions (ENG)
Bi/Lesbian/Gay stories (ENG)
Foldal / Home



Kedves Ltogat! / Dear Visitor! (*scroll down for the English version)


dvzllek  ktnyelv weboldalamon, a Sea of Sin-en! 

Ez a kis portl fknt Slipknot, Behemoth, Depeche Mode, Trivium, Harry Potter, Placebo, 30 Seconds To Mars, Adam Lambert, Thor, Teen Wolf, illetve Bi/Lesbian/Gay fanfictionkre pl, de a vlasztk tovbbra is bvl. :)

A magyar nyelv szvegek a jobb oldalon tallhatk s olvashatk.

J szrakozst kvn: Useless-girl/Sophie


A Fanfictionkrl:

CFOLAT: A trtnetek, amik itt olvashatk, mind SZNTISZTA FIKCIK! A helyzetek s a karakterek nem valsak - kivve a hressgeket, akikrl a karakterek lettek mintzva. De az rk nem profitlnak a trtnetekbl, gyhogy egyik trvnyt sem srtjk meg. A FANFICTIONKET szrakoztatsbl rtk s semmifle rosszindulatot nem akarunk kelteni a trtnetekben megjelen egyik szerepl irnt sem!

FIGYELMEZTETS: Az oldalon szkimond, szexulis tartalm rsok is tallhatk, gy aki kiskor, vagy nem kedveli az ilyesfajta trtneteket, vegye figyelembe a figyelmeztetseket s a besorolsokat a trtnetek elejn!

Fanfiction besorolsok:

  • G: Minden korosztly szmra. (Az esetleges romantikus tartalom nagyon rtatlan, az erszakos tartalom ritka s enyhe.)
  • PG: Az erszak s a szexulis tartalom enyhn magasabb arnyban jelennek meg (de nem rszletekbe menen), kromkods is elfordulhat.
  • PG-13: Intenzvebb tartalom a PG besorolshoz kpest. (Pl. rszletesen lert erszak; utals droghasznlatra, vrfertzsre s ms felntt tmk is megjelenhetnek, de azok sem rszletesen.)
  • R: Lerbb a PG-13-as trtnetekhez kpest. (Extrm erszak, srlsek, a felntt, tabu s zavart kelt tmk gyakoribb elfordulsa.)
  • NC-17/18: 18 v alatt nem ajnlott. (Ler, szkimond szexulis tartalom s nyelvezet.)



Hosszas gondolkods utn arra a dntsre jutottam, hogy ezennel BEZROM EZT AZ OLDALT. Az oka ennek az, hogy mr minden sztorit/fanfictiont angolul rok s azokat - id s az itteni visszajelzsek hinyban - amgy is csak az Archive Of Our Own (AO3) oldalon publiklom.

A Sea Of Sin marad, ahogy eddig is volt, de nem fogok frisstseket kzztenni.

Minden jelenlegi, illetve jvbeli angol nyelv munkm megtallhat az AO3-on az albbi linken:

Useless-girl az AO3-on


Ksznm a figyelmet, ott tallkozunk! :)




Welcome to my bilingual website: Sea Of Sin

This little portal deals mainly with Slipknot, Behemoth, Depeche Mode, Trivium, Harry Potter, Placebo, 30 Seconds To Mars, Adam Lambert, Thor, Teen Wolf and Bi/Lesbian/Gay fanfictions but the selection will further expand in the future. :)

From now on the English texts can be found and read on the left side of the site.

Wishing you a good time on my site: Useless-girl/Sophie


Write a comment:
A little help for the foreign readers: "j bejegyzs" means "New post",  "Frissts" is "Refresh", "Elkld" means "Send" and "Mgsem" is "Cancel"  in the comment area.

If the site doesn't want to let you comment, I'd recommend to refresh the page until the cursor shows up.

About the fanfictions:

DISCLAIMER: The stories on this site are PURE FICTIONS! The situations and characters aren’t real – except for the celebrities some of the characters were based on. But the authors don’t profit from the stories, so no law was broken here. The FANFICTIONS here were written just for entertaining purposes and no harm was meant to anyone appearing in the stories!

WARNING: The stories on the site can be explicit and contain sexual scenes, so if you are underage, or don't like such stories, please pay attention to the warnings and categories at the beginning of the stories!

Fanfiction ratings:

  • G: Suitable for all audiences. (Romantic content is very innocent if it exists, and violence is infrequent and mild.)
  • PG: slightly higher level of violence or sexual content (but not graphically described), swearing.
  • PG-13: more intense material than a PG-rated story (e.g. graphically described violence, references to drug addiction, incest, and other mature themes may appear, but not be described in detail).
  • R: More graphic than PG-13 or PG-14. (Extreme violence and gore, mature, taboo, disturbing themes are likely to appear.)
  • NC-17: No one 17 or under admitted. (Explicit, graphic sexual content and language.)



After long consideration, I had come to the decision that I'll CLOSE THIS SITE. The reason for this is that for a long time I've been writing all my stories just in English and - because of the lack of time on my part and feedback from this site - I kept publishing them only on Archive Of Our Own (AO3) anyways.

Sea Of Sin will stay as it was, but I won't post updates anymore.

All my present and future Engllish works can be found on AO3 by clicking on the link below:

Useless-girl az AO3-on


Thank you for your attention and see you there! :)

27 December 2021

Bejelentkezs / Sign in

Elfelejtettem a jelszt

Placebo (HUN)
30 Seconds To Mars (HUN)
Depeche Mode (HUN)
Harry Potter folytatsos (HUN)
Harry Potter novellk (HUN)
Bi/Lesbian/Gay trtnetek (HUN)

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