Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

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S.M.A. & U-girl - Of Fire and the Void
S.M.A. & U-girl - Of Fire and the Void : Chapter 7

Chapter 7

  2019.05.12. 07:59

Chapter 7

After careful consideration and a discussion, the group came to the agreement that they would stay at the once resort for a couple of days as it was secluded and far away enough, plus they all needed some rest (and mourning) after the latest fight. They would also need their energy for the last part of their journey where they would cover as much distance as they could to finally reach Athens and the safety of Sanctuary.

Once everyone found their places and rested a bit, Christos found his brother at dawn on a rockier part of the beach. He would've never admitted, but he hated that he couldn't feel his energies and mood in the usual way. But he just had to look at the line of his slightly hunched back as the breeze was lightly moving the long dark hair to know what kind of mood Seth was in.

With a small sigh, the now mortal God carefully climbed up to the other figure and sat down next to him, staying in silence for a while as they were watching the waves hitting the rocks in a hypnotic rhythm. This beach already reminded Christos of the Greek shores and an unexpected wave of homesickness hit him too.

"We truly became Greeks. From all the places and realms, there I feel the most home," Seth spoke quietly, not turning to look at his brother. God or human, it did not matter. After such a time span they shared, even human beings would know the other one's energies. "It won't be long now… We are around... the once Croatia. Probably almost Albania," he added and sighed deep. "Such peace of the water. And such power too. Things will get worse from now on... You know that, right?" the God of Darkness asked, turning finally to his brother.

Christos simply nodded to Seth's first sentence. He felt the same way about their... well, home. Although they lived at and loved other places too during their long life, Greece became the most special one for all three of them. Probably even to Kerim.

"Yes. I know. Probably most of the others can feel it too, or at least expect it. But there's still hope," he murmured, feeling his brother's dark eyes on him. "They feel prepared enough, though. Don't you think?" he asked as he kept watching the waves, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Like when he was in many places at once when he had his godly powers.

"Yes. Yes they do," Seth nodded trying to figure out the expression on Christos' face for a while. "The future you've been telling us about is close. Maybe in some form already exists in the big cities. I was thinking about it the other day. That how the other science-fiction lovers might feel about it all happening," he scoffed, turning back to the mesmerizing waves of the ocean.

Christos was the one of them who always wanted to learn new things. See new possibilities. Stories about how authors imagined different scenarios for humanity and how it would work... Well sci-fi always had to be a logically build up world.

"I hope you turn back. And stay with us for long. To tell us your adventures about all the... new cults and civilizations you had found while I and Sotiris enjoy the endless summer and stillness of our Sanctuary," he chuckled, trying to hide in his speech and that little laugh the fact just how much worried he was about Christos not getting his immortality and powers back.

Not that Christos could be fooled by Seth. After all they were... for a lack of a better word in this world, brothers. To that tone, he finally looked at the Dark God.

"You know that the future is fluid and much more intricate than our friends could comprehend. It can go in many ways and depends on many actions and decisions. The possibilities are indeed endless. But there are outcomes that are more likely than others. The one I've told you about is now one of those. How the Nephilim will act is going to determine a lot of things... His true potential is still not unlocked. I'm thinking... it will be a necessary step soon," he said then sighed softly, nearly rolling his eyes at his brother.

"We've been through this. I'll be fine. All happens as it should, remember?" he looked at him with a serious yet 'you should know this' kind of look. Then his expression and eyes, even his tone, softened somewhat. "But that's not why I joined you. You feel... off... Lost. Something I've never felt or saw on you to this degree."

"Well…" Seth let out a sound clicking his tongue. And with that Greek gesture made Christos smile. "We can say that I am lost. And alone. Cannot connect with Sotiris, or you. Our Kerim spiraled deep into his own darkness of mind and even I cannot reach him. At least we are not far by now. But something will happen for sure before we get back home," he sighed. "And I can worry about you whatever amount I feel like to... You can roll your eyes," he added lifting up his head a bit. "About Jim… It will happen soon…"

"Yes, even as a human I can sense that something is coming. That's why everyone needs some more rest before we continue," Christos agreed about that and Jim. Then he did roll his eyes, just because.

"Anyways..." he continued after a short chuckle-like snort and even went as far as to put a hand on Seth's forearm. "Even if I'm stuck like this for a short while, I'm here. And don't be stupid, you're not alone. The others are here and have your back too. Heck, for some strange reason they even look up at you as a leader," Christos joked with a half-smirk again. "You are half as bad as I imagined you'd be... Now... you can roll your eyes..."

Then he looked a bit more serious again and even pulled his thick eyebrows together. "But Kerim worries me too. I couldn't reach our muse either..." Christos hummed. It was a first for both of them that they experienced something like this from their Angel of Light.

Seth looked down at the big hand on his forearm and smiled. Then snorted rolling his eyes, but just for the fun of it. He missed the teasingly picking on each other relationship they shared.

"Mick is devastated too. Kerim thinks he is indeed a traitor and while others like Samael and Robb have fought for their freedom and lost their Light, he thinks he doesn’t deserve it because he just ran away and was hidden by us. But I feel like soon he is going to reach the bottom of that dark pit of thoughts he dug himself into. It seems it's his time now to face that darkness inside him. We can only wait it out how he will come back from that…"

Pulling his hand back, Christos rested his forearms on his thighs, leaning forward a bit without hurting his healing side. "Yes, I know of his struggles and I have to agree with you. It was time, though. For him to go through this. I know it's hard for all of us to whom he is dear, but we have to accept that at the moment we cannot do anything for him. It will be a difficult fight for him," he mused, watching the first rays of the sun run across the surface of the water. "We have to trust in him."

"I agree. We all constantly keep reassuring him about our support," Seth nodded and watched the sunrise paint the calm waves and horizon thinking about his Sun God guarding the Gate still. "Let's make some food for the lot. And try to enjoy these resting days," he sighed not really believing he would be able to relax...


With the protective shield around their hiding place and after some much needed sleep, Jim welcomed the breakfast that the Gods have made for them. Then they were just chilling as much as they could, one or two of them standing guard in turns.

It was Mick and some of the war demons' turn a few hours later and the late morning found Jim in the company of Paolo, Matt and King. The Nephilim had a small smile on his face, seeing Robb and Samael enjoying the water further away. He saw some of the funeral the day before and thought it was good for the pair to enjoy themselves a bit.

Turning back from the broken window when he heard the dirty laugh of his pair, Jim sat down behind his angel, stretching his long legs out on each side of him as he kissed into his neck.

"Sooo... this means we can agree that you still have the hots for these two," he murmured into Paolo's ear, but looked at the other pair with a smirk over his man's shoulder, curiosity shining in his eyes. "Basically he kept the two of you balanced before Matt's transmutation at the demon shamans, huh? Sounds dirty indeed..." he grinned wider, loving how Matt's cheeks and cute big ears started to color right away as he just kept staring back.

Corey just smirked looking at his pair then at Jim and Paolo and liking how things were starting to form. He was aware of how the Nephelim's energies have evolved and Corey himself being very old and educated in such areas under all that cool big macho rock musician outside knew some things are unavoidable…

"Well... I don't think it was ever a secret that I still do have the hots for them," Paolo smirked at Matt. Caressing the long arm around him he slowly licked his lips, sizing up just what was going around in Corey's mind. "I mean... look and feel them... They are such... The highest quality mating material," the golden angel added on a lowered dirty voice.

Jim outright giggled on that and pressed small kisses against his pair's cheek while eyeing the other two. To match Paolo's dirtiness, the Nephilim's other hand slid down between his angel's legs to take hold of and slowly massage his bulge.

"Oh you are very right about that... To be honest, I like their energies a lot too. I'm glad we could talk out things," he said, addressing Matt with that then as Jim's eyes changed color to his mismatched ones, they drifted to watch King, trying to read his mysterious expression.

Matt simply nodded and swallowed hard, watching the big hand fondling Paolo. Then he looked at his pair with a questioning look. "What do you think?" he asked on his deep voice, which was already getting a bit hoarse from all the sexual tension his senses could pick up on.

"We are creatures of instinct and passion... I know you want to show our winged pig who he still belongs to too," Corey giggled, exchanging a meaningful look with the other two. "And the curious one already has his imagination running wild…"

"Oh yeah... He is very... Hmm… let's say he likes to try out and experience everything in life," Paolo nodded and leaned back against the big chest of Jim to be groped more intensely in that position. Glimpsing up at his tall naughty man he grinned. "Never a dull moment, all I can say..."

"Well... I'm trying my best to stay interesting for you," Jim half-joked then leaned down to kiss his pair deeply, his fingers between the open thighs doing a quick job at opening Paolo's pants. Jim even went as far as waving for Matt to encourage him while he kept kissing his man breathless.

Frankly, the tall cherub found the situation quite entertaining and after a smile sent to his pair, he shrugged and did crawl over to the other two and it was Matt's hand that found its way under the loosened fabric to free the rapidly hardening cock. Leaning down, he didn't waste his time and licked along it a few times just to suck the tip between his lips. His desire for Paolo did seem to only grow with each passing day since they were back from Japan and he moaned from the familiar taste before sucking more on the tasty meat.

Paolo moaned pleased, his fingers getting lost in the short curly black hair of Matt moving even lower to fully lay on his back between Jim's opened long legs. He grinned up at his pair and started to undo the Nephilim’s pants too.

Just as Corey crawled over to them too. An all-knowing dirty smirk on his handsome face as he kneeled at Jim's side.

"Let me help you, Goldie. Want to see too what the legends are talking about," he joked about Jim's 'legendary' cock. "If you could tame this nympho bitch then it must be something... Would you share your secrets with me, big guy?"

Jim stroked Paolo's face from that grin then focused on Corey. Blushing hard, the Nephilim giggled again. "Well, you know... you should ask Paolo what trick is that works for him the most. Same goes for Seth," he smirked smugly. "But we could test what works for you, King..." Jim said, not being able to call him Corey as that name still meant someone else to Jim. 

Though 'King' reminded Jim of the fact that he was about to mate with the son of Lucifer... Which was mind-blowing in itself to him. And for a moment he wondered if King knew that his 'step mom', Satan himself kept flirting with Jim too...

Anyways, Jim glimpsed at Matt and lightly tapped his shoulder to sit up. "Take over the 'tamed nympho' from me, will ya?" he winked, making Matt slide off the hard cock and chuckle.

"Sure thing. Come on, Goldie, time to move this to the bed," he said, pulling up the angel from the floor where they were sitting on some thick carpets and surviving pillows they've found earlier. It also left that space for the other pair as Matt attacked the shorter angel's lips with his barely concealed hunger for him, pulling clothes off their bodies in an urging manner.

"Hmm... Someone missed me much…" Paolo giggled stopping the battle of the kisses to pull his pants fully down and help Matt get rid of his as well. Then spreading his golden wings, he just dropped back on the bed, legs spread and sent a dirty smirk at the cherub.

"I am a curious one too, though... Let's see the magic," King wiggled his brows knowing that joking during sex worked for Jim just like for them too. He took matters into his hands, literally, and pushed Jim to lie back on the pillows. Freeing the hard long shaft from the prophecies – he swore to himself to tell that to Paolo later – he hummed pleased and leaned down to taste its filling tip.

"Hell yeah. Can you blame me?" Matt grinned down at the very willing angel as his own half-demon, half-angel wings spread behind him too, standing there naked and slowly stroking his own cock. "You are just as gorgeous and dirty like I remembered..." he praised the bald man then moved his wings to swiftly lift then lower him on top of the smaller body. "Did you miss me?" he whispered, hoping that despite the mating with Jim and all the changes, Paolo's feelings for Matt stayed the same and he wanted him still.

He didn't show or said (though Corey knew, of course), but after meeting his real father, Matt needed every morsel of love and feeling of being wanted to make him forget those horrible feelings he had lived through during those minutes. It left a deep mark on his soul and heart and if someone knew him well and looked long enough, now it constantly showed in the depth of his eyes too.

Meanwhile Jim wanted to fire back some witty responses to Corey, but his laugh turned into a deep moan and his fingers got lost in the dark hair. Said "legendary cock" jumped and throbbed against the hot mouth as he opened his endless thighs wider. "I heard that despite your reputation, you like some... guidance too... So do show me how your magic works on my dick and I might show you how well I can wield my legendary sword," he grinned down at the devil between his legs.

The golden hue around Paolo got slightly brighter as their bodies touched fully with Matt. His marked arms hugged the lean body over him and he sent the loving and healing energy of the sun to the other one.

"Of course I missed you… You're my dark angel we searched for all over the world," he whispered back, looking deep into the black eyes and pulling Matt close for a deep sensual kiss as his much stronger powers kept swirling around them.

"Rumors travel fast in Greece still, I see," King laughed but changed his form, spreading his wings and raising his red glowing eyes at Jim with a mischievous smile. "Can't wait to feel how strong your will really is…" he only added that and sucked the long meat into his mouth. Pressing and rubbing his lips on the velvety skin as he moved up and down on its length slowly.

Matt quite literally melted into that kiss and against the warm body, letting their cocks line up and rub together. "You are so much stronger... So warm and pure... Amazing..." he murmured low in-between kisses. It was the first time he could feel Paolo like this since their return and the degree of the changes in the guardian... no, Sun Angel by now... was still a bit shocking to Matt.

"Fuck..." That was all Jim could say as he watched Corey shift (it totally worked for Jim's wing fetish!) and then go down on him for real. Forcing himself to keep watching the demon, he curiously touched and caressed a curved horn then gently guided the bobbing head by it as his hips came alive too. "Greece is... a sinful place... But not as sinful as your mouth. Fuck, you're good..."

Paolo got more fast and easily in sync with Matt and his powers and needs, thanks to his changed and stronger skills. And also the way the cherub hungered him riled up the angel even more. He moved greedily against the other body. His erection sliding against Matt's rougher and almost desperate moans escaped him while they kissed and nuzzled.

"Hmmmm… Hmmmm..." King hummed his agreement about Greece and his mouth. Starting to suckle on the wide tip while his tongue massaged the lower part of Jim's dick.

Of course his sounds resonated all over his mouth and said hard meat of the Nephilim. But to really stay true to his reputation, King started to suck the long cock down his throat, squeezing it a bit with his throat muscles each time as he even picked up the speed.

The cherub hungered Paolo alright. It's been a long while that they could get so close and intimate so it also made him impatient. Shifting his weight a bit, he broke their kiss and spit on his long fingers. Panting onto and sucking on the other man's lips, he reached down to massage and push against the tight hole. "You turn me on so much, piggy... Not sure I can be gentle... You good with that?"

That's how long Jim could keep the eye-contact with Corey. Throwing his head back, eyes pressed shut from the intense pleasure, Jim groaned loud and long. The fact that he was bucking into the throat of Lucifer's son already blew his mind. The perfect blowjob he was getting only added to that until it got too much and he soon pulled the demon off his cock by that horn. "My turn!" he grinned slightly out of breath and moved quicker than one might think of him. The next moment King was laying on his stomach, face pressed against a pillow. Jim ran his big hands down on his skin to cup and squeeze the round ass with a low growl. "You are so hot... and beautiful."

"No... No… Are you doing it already?!" Paolo groaned and bucked his hips to take inside those fingers pressed against his hole. Trembling and cursing with closed eyes from the feeling and the missed connection with Matt getting more open. "I can feel your every thought and need even more clearly and you drive me insane just as much…" he said opening his golden eyes and moving his ass to work the fingers in more.

King pushed his horned head deep into the pillow and trying to calm his breathing as Jim enjoyed the display of his muscular demon body like that. Only some low moans could be heard from him as he pushed his ass into the big hands.

Their powers were already moving against one another and as they were like tasting and testing each other they touched at times, making both males souls connect for the first time.
"Your force is so strong... and breathtaking... and full of sexual energy…" King said while turning his head to lay like that on the pillow and could look at Jim that way while trying to use the forming bond to urge him to continue.

A relieved sigh left Matt's lips from Paolo's reply and a tension he didn't know was in him released both from the words and the golden energies. The wanton way Paolo was moving against his exploring and stretching fingers making his cock throb. They still wanted each other the same if not even more. So with that Matt let his dark cherub powers go and curled his fingers to give a nice massage to the naughty angel's prostate while he gave him a rough and demanding kiss as a taste of what to expect.

Jim chuckled low and dirty at King and let his powers get loose some more as he planted kisses and soft bites onto the ass cheeks. "No wonder I managed to catch such a naughty angel as a pair, huh?" he joked then sighed as their souls connected some more. "Your force feels amazing too. Fierce and vast and scorching under that calm surface of yours. Matt is a lucky man..." he added then pulled the cheeks apart to start rimming the demon with practiced ease. Jim's mission was now to wreck the Son of the Morning...

From that kiss Paolo's nails dug deep into the base of the dark cherub wings. Pulling on them he replied to Matt's roughness with his own. Growling and shivering as small bolts of joy rushed over his body from the skilled fingers.

King chucked on Jim's words. But it soon turned into a throaty moan filled with the pleasure he felt spreading in his body. Jim indeed had some skilled tongue and the urge to feel more of it made the slightly panting King kneel up and push his ass closer to the bearded face.

Matt groaned loud and even hissed a bit from the roughness that he got in return. But he loved it very much. Feeling his pair's pleasure and need probably also made him take the next step with Paolo. He pulled his fingers out and made a quick job with wetting his long cock. He put the glowing angel's legs onto his marked shoulders and started pushing in, his black eyes focused on the other man's face.

Jim chuckled against the tasty ass then pulled his tongue back just to spit on the hole and work his saliva in along with a finger. "I see you are very eager to learn more about my skills. I like that..." he murmured low and satisfied as he watched the demon's body take more of first one then two of his fingers.

"Oh thanks for the sun you finally got the message!" Paolo groaned and huffed, swaying his hips around to help the invading cock get deeper the fastest and easiest way possible. "You promised a rough ride... Now deliver it, honey…" he gritted his teeth with a dirty shine in his golden eyes and slapped Matt's small marked ass hard.

"And I like males with long fingers…" King laughed shortly. Then moaned. Then grunted as the two fingers got just in the perfect depth for him.

The dark cherub's laugh from that slap turned into a grunt. "If you know all my thoughts then you also know I did it to make you want it even more..." he grinned enjoying the circling around his cock a moment longer. Then he bent Paolo in half and kissed him rough and demanding in time with his hips fucking into him the same way. Hard and fast. Just like they both needed.

Glimpsing at the pair already going at it, Jim felt his cock throb from both the sight and what he felt from his pair. But he refocused on King and chuckled again just when he worked some more spit into his ass and found that magical spot. "That's good to know... Now give me some nice demonic growls and roars while I play with this here..."

Although Paolo just loved the bond and mating times with Jim, he did miss the hotheaded young cherub and his possessive ways… The throaty long moans died in the wild kiss as he was moving with Matt and closed his glowing golden wings around the marked back.

Meanwhile, just like obeying to Jim's order, King threw his horned head back, his fangs showing as he couldn't hold back the shaking of his body. His leather wings fluttered as his demon groans got louder from what he felt from both Paolo and Matt. Tensing up at times as his earthly body gave in to the rough milking of the long skilled finders.

Feeling just how much Paolo missed this too, Matt smiled down at him sweetly for a few moments then kissed him deep and less forceful just when he felt the soft feathers brush against his skin. He used his own wings to help himself balance better and held Paolo's hands down with his own, lacing their fingers together. This way he could fuck their kinky angel as deep as possible, making him moan into their kiss.

For a good minute Jim was just watching his fingers working that amazingly hot hole then he added a third one, wanting to hear more of those exciting sounds that made his cock painfully hard. The Nephilim knew he was on the right path and reached around King with his other hand to collect some of the pre-cum he could milk out of the other man with his massage.

"Hmmm... You taste damn good, I had to admit," he growled as he licked his own fingers clean. Then it was time to replace them in the mouthwatering ass with his dick. Rubbing its wet head against the inviting opening, Jim caressed one of the gorgeous leather-wings. "You are satisfying my wing kink too, by the way. Nice..." he said then started steadily pushing into the offered ass, moaning low and long from the hot tightness.

From the bit more tender emotions he got from Matt, Paolo let a bigger wave of his powers wash over the cherub and bring them closer even more on a spiritual level too. In opposite of that force, his body joined in even more into the wild chase of their lust. Nails started to dig deep into the back of the other hand holding him down. His back arched off from the bed to be able to move more in sync with Matt. All with a wide variety of growls, whimpers and moans.

"Oh fucking finally…" King growled and turned his head to hide his face into the pillow. Even so his loud pleased moans could be heard clearly… His wings stretched out as he pushed back against Jim and moved and tightened his muscles against the long invading cock.

From that golden warmth more dark cherub power got released and mingled and played with Paolo's as if their energies were chasing each other. A lot like the way the tangled bodies were after their shared pleasure. Matt kept up his crazy hammering from that perfect angle. The marks on his skin seemed to be alive as he moved relentlessly. His groans and panting got louder and he kept watching the equally sweaty angel under him.

"You're so fucking hot and beautiful..." he blurted out. "Come on, Goldie... I wanna see you cum for me again… It’s been too long since the last time..."

Jim just chuckled from King's comment then groaned once he bottomed out and stilled in favor of running his fingers on the gorgeous wings, his own ones behind him fluttering with delight. The first thrust of his long cock made him groan and close his eyes, loving the heady feeling of their energies burning their bodies in the best of ways. Then he fucked into the demon again. And again. Going a bit faster and harder with each precise stab.

The pinned down angel was swimming in all the mingling powers with Matt and also the other two not so far from them and who were connected to him too. It was a powerful feeling and threatened to charge him up to the brim with all the... well... kinky and needy mating energies pulsing wildly in the old hotel room.

Not really able to control any of it anymore, he cried out and groaned with gritted teeth as his body tensed and muscles cramped and all that force left him like a blast of all the mixed up energies and he came hard, pulling Matt with him and pushing the other two closer to join in...

Trembling hard from the energies returned and merged from Paolo and Matt, King got up from his elbows to be on his hands and knees, pushing back faster and harder against Jim. Feeling the need harder to join the other two in their bliss and mix up his powers with Jim's to form some new levels in them all with this special mating.

Matt was cursing loud from the intensity of how Paolo was falling apart right under him, tipping him over too. And he dived into that blinding pleasure head first, his powers adding more to the growing mixture in the room as he pumped the other angel full with his seed. Basking in his pleasure and love and what he felt from the other two too while kissing the bald man breathless.

Jim groaned too from that blast of energy and he smiled from how good his pair felt in that moment. Then he let his powers join in on the whirlwind and fucked King faster, feeling the same urge. The Nephilim curled and pressed his long body against the demon's, grabbing the base of his wings to pull him harder onto his leaking cock. His teeth and mouth also went to suck and chew up a nice hickey on the thick neck to push King right to the edge. "Whenever you're ready, gorgeous..." he purred against the wet skin then bit harder, growling as he finally tasted some dark demon blood.

Paolo was slowly caressing Matt all over with his finally freed hands. He was smiling from all the swirling energies around them and inside them. But especially what he felt from Jim when he bit into the high ranked ancient demon…

King moved his wings back as if to hold Jim close to his body. From the bite he cried out a loud "YESS" and circled his hips to feel that final rub of the wide hard cock head against his pleasure spot and he cried out long. Sounding like a true beast of hell as it turned into a powerful growling howl while he was coming hard. His fiery powers showed as red flames around him, covering them both as he pulled Jim with him in the height of the merging of powers and energies.

For a few moments it looked as if those flames would overpower and consume Jim's energies, but that's not what happened. The second he gulped down the first mouthful of the strong demon blood, he felt it burn its way down his throat. It was like liquid fire wanting to consume him. That didn't happen in that sense either. Instead it went right into the big man's head, triggering both an intense orgasm and some immediate changes in the cumming Nephilim to unlock more of his power.

So instead of being overwhelmed by King's fire (inside and out), it made his own energies shimmer and change and adapt. To grow stronger.

It left a completely spent Jim dropping onto the many pillows with a blissed out expression. His panting and bloody mouth curled into a grin then he started giggling high as a kite, more or less focusing quite amazed on the changes inside.

He also didn't know how he got tangled up in King's embrace, purring and giggling and babbling nonsense to the high demon, the other three watching him satisfied and amused by the already showing results.

Next chapter

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Az utóbbi idõkben komolyan foglalkoztat a retro játékok árainak robbanása. Errõl írtam egy hosszabb cikket.    *****    Hivatalos, hogy jön a Haikyuu!! Gomisuteba no Kessen movie! Magyar nyelvû plakát, magyar feliratos elõzetes!    *****    Todoroki Shoto Fanfiction oldal, nézzetek be és olvassatok! Új Shoto nendoroid blog az oldalon!    *****    A Múzsa, egy gruppi élményei a színfalak mögött :)    *****    Madarak és fák napjára új mesével vár a Mesetár! Nézz be hozzánk!    *****    Rosta Iván diplomás asztrológus vagyok! Szívesen elkészítem a horoszkópodat, fordúlj hozzám bizalommal. Várom a hívásod!    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, lakások, egyéb épületek szigetelését kedvezõ áron! Hívjon! 0630/583-3168    *****    Ha te is könyvkiadásban gondolkodsz, ajánlom figyelmedbe az postomat, amiben minden összegyûjtött információt megírtam.    *****    Nyereményjáték! Nyerd meg az éjszakai arckrémet! További információkért és játék szabályért kattints! Nyereményjáték!    *****    A legfrissebb hírek Super Mario világából, plusz információk, tippek-trükkök, végigjátszások!    *****    Ha hagyod, hogy magával ragadjon a Mario Golf miliõje, akkor egy egyedi és életre szóló játékélménnyel leszel gazdagabb!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre, nagyon fontos idõnként megtudni, mit rejteget. Keress meg és nézzünk bele együtt. Várlak!    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, lakások, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését!    ***** - -    *****    Vérfarkasok, boszorkányok, alakváltók, démonok, bukott angyalok és emberek. A világ oly' színes, de vajon békés is?    *****    Az emberek vakok, kiváltképp akkor, ha olyasmivel találkoznak, amit kényelmesebb nem észrevenni... - HUNGARIANFORUM    *****    Valahol Delaware államban létezik egy város, ahol a természetfeletti lények otthonra lelhetnek... Közéjük tartozol?    *****    Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát... Ez az ár pedig néha túlságosan is nagy, hogy megfizessük - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - FRPG - Why do all the monsters come out at night? - FRPG - Aktív közösség    *****    Az oldal egy évvel ezelõtt költözött új otthonába, azóta pedig az élet csak pörög és pörög! - AKTÍV FÓRUMOS SZEREPJÁTÉK